Venison tartare / beetroot / fermented grains / cocoa / spinach

Venison tartare / beetroot / fermented grains / cocoa / spinach

Venison tartare / beetroot / fermented grains / cocoa / spinach

Venison tartare / beetroot / fermented grains / cocoa / spinach
Venison, fermented grains, beetroot, cocoa, spinach
The dish represents the birth of Gaggenau - a tribute to 333 years of the companies existence.
In the year of 1683, cooking was at the early stage therefore Chef Stephan decided to showcase this by using only raw ingredients. Venison tartare, paired with fermented grains, beetroot, cocoa and spinach.
By 1683 Gaggenau established itself as a company that started to produce iron nails.
Chef's 2nd thought, was to look into the nutrious part - by using "iron" as the key player.
Beetroot, grains, venison and spinach have a higher nutritious concentration of iron.
March 2016